Message From President
Dear My Colleague Members,
It is with profound respect and gratitude that I address you today as your re-elected President for the 2024-2026 term. The 7th ACFE Indonesia Chapter Congress, held on January 20, 2024, was a landmark occasion that not only showcased the diligent accountability of the 2021-2023 Board but also marked the commencement of our journey for the upcoming term.
Pembelajaran dari Keynotes Speakers: Benchmarking Kolaborasi Strategi Anti Fraud dari BPK dan OJK Gallery
Pembelajaran dari Keynotes Speakers: Benchmarking Kolaborasi Strategi Anti Fraud dari BPK dan OJK
e Bulletin, Events, Featured Slider, Fraud Headlines, Galeri ACFE, Kalender, Kegiatan, Kongres ACFE, NAFC, Profil, Round Table Discussion, Workshop